Julie has been practising in family law for over 20 years and was previously based in London. She is a qualified Family Law Arbitrator (for both children and financial matters) and Mediator. She trains expert witnesses and is a pupil supervisor.
Julie is heavily involved in the Family Arbitration Scheme: she was a co-author of the paper proposing the extension of the scheme to children’s matters and has more recently presented an information evening to the Sussex Judiciary. She has hosted seminars for solicitors and Cafcass representatives throughout Sussex and writes regularly for legal periodicals about developments in the scheme.
Julie is well known as an author writing regularly for Family Law and Family Law Week (see publications). She is also the author of the Secure Accommodation handbook published by Jordans in 2013 with a forward by McFarlane P.
Alternative Dispute ResolutionJulie qualified as an Arbitrator in 2014. She is keen to encourage litigants and potential litigants to investigate this method of dispute resolution because of the benefits of speed and convenience as well as the significant savings in costs. She is a calm presence in an arbitration, putting parents at their case and gives fully reasoned, clear written Determinations in a timely manner.
Julie is instructed in serious public law cases on behalf of local authorities, parents, grandparents, children, interveners and Guardians. In 2021, she was lead Counsel in a 25 day Finding of Fact hearing revolving around FII (Factitious and Induced Illness). She also acts in cases involving allegations of unexplained injury, sexual abuse, and neglect including medical neglect.
Selected Cases
- A local authority v B [2015]: Representing local authority in a case of infant death and application for placement order for sibling. Complex case involving examination of medical records and post mortem results, with outcome changing expert evidence being obtained from the USA.
- A local authority v G [2017]: Representing local authority in case of multi-generational sexual, physical and emotional abuse with both historic and current allegations. This was a complex case requiring forensic analysis of multiple sources of evidence and questioning of several family members. Findings made on all threshold issues and care and placement orders made.Specialising in care proceedings, Julie has particular expertise in cases involving complex medical evidence (especially serious head injuries), chronic neglect and sexual abuse cases. Julie has an invaluable inside understanding of how local authority child care departments operate which gives her clients a considerable advantage, whether she is acting for or against a local authority.
- A local authority v P [2021] Leading counsel for the mother in a case of FII. Successful in defending the mother against allegations of joint enterprise in causing harm to a baby. Significant findings made against the father.
Julie advises and represents parties at all stages of financial remedy disputes, including enforcement of final orders.
Julie is instructed on behalf of parents, children and extended family members. Her cases include difficult issues such as implacable hostility, shared care arrangements, domestic and international relocation, special guardianship and fact-finding hearings. She has a particular interest in contact between children and their grandparents having two published articles on the topic.
Julie is a calming presence for clients and gives clear advice. Her preparation is meticulous and she works hard to get the result the client wants
Selected Cases
- A v A [2017]: Successfully represented grandfather on his application for contact in a case of parental alienation.
- D v D [2018]: Successfully represented mother in an application for contact at the conclusion of which an application was made for costs of £48,000. That application was successfully defended on the basis of the applicant’s litigation conduct, the costs figure being unreasonable, and that it would be impossible to apportion costs between unreasonable and reasonable elements of the case.
- H v E [2021] Successfully represented mother on an application to remove a child to live in an international location. The case was complex because of the distance involved and important cultural issues. The case was finely balanced and the permission to remove was not in line with the recommendations of Cafcass.
Julie accepts work from lay clients via Direct Access. You can view her profile here.
Julie Stather appointed as a Fee-paid Judge of the First-tier Tribunal - Jan 2023
We are delighted to announce that Julie Stather has been appointed as a Fee-paid Judge of the First-tier Tribunal, assigned to the Health, Education and Social Care Chamber. Julie’s appointment is...
The Mini-Budget and Financial Remedies Applications - Oct 2022
The Tory party is still reeling from the repercussions of its mini-budget, although the use of the label ‘mini’ might not be appropriate for some of the biggest proposed tax changes of modern...
Julie Stather discusses The Family Arbitration Scheme – The Future of Family Justice? in the latest edition of Lawyer Monthly - Oct 2022
An article by family law and dispute resolution expert Julie Stather has been published in this month's edition of Lawyer Monthly. The article examines the scheme, its success and why she believes it...
Julie Stather discusses International Relocation in the June edition of the Family Law Journal - Jun 2022
The June edition of Family Law Journal features an article by Julie Stather: 'International relocation: emerging trends and how to prepare an application'. All articles available for Family Law...
Arbitration in Children Act matters handled through Chambers - Apr 2022
An Arbitration in Children Act matters has recently taken place through Chambers with Julie Stather MCI Arb arbitrating. The case was being litigated through a local firm with Eleanor Battie...
Julie Stather successful in international relocation case - Jan 2022
Julie Stather has successfully represented a client who wished to relocate internationally with their child. The case was hard fought as the final order of the court permitting the relocation was...
Pegah Sharghy, Amanda Minto, Julie Stather and Natasha Isaac cover different hot topics in the latest Family Law Journal - Feb 2021
In the January 2021 issue of the Family Law Journal 1COR barristers Amanda Minto, Pegah Shargy, Julie Stather and Natasha Isaac all give their insight into different hot topics affecting family law....
Julie Stather looks at internal relocation – avoiding the fait accompli: the difficulty of relocation cases in Family Law Journal - Jan 2021
In the January issue of the Family Law Journal, Julie Stather considers the difficulties of internal relocation cases. Find out more here. Internal relocation presents the court with a starkly...
Children Arbitration and the Family Court - Nov 2020
Today Julie Stather, MICArb, is running a short virtual session, aimed at Judges, about the Children Arbitration Scheme and how it can ease the current burden on the Family Court. She will cover: ...
Family Judge suggests non-court dispute resolution as solution to overburdened Family Courts - Sep 2020
In a much publicised and refreshing judgment, HHJ Wildblood QC has suggested that applications should not be made to the over-burdened Family Court unless they truly require Court involvement. The...
Easing the Covid-19 burden with children arbitration - Sep 2020
Julie Stather gives an overview the development of Children Arbitration and how it eases the burden on the Family Courts. Julie also discusses why clients should utilise Children Arbitration to...
How can I resolve my case quickly and remotely? When Arbitration is the answer - Jun 2020
As the world prepares to return to some form of normality, it is clear that our local courts remain overwhelmed by the backlog of work. The figures for private law applications, which have been...
1COR’s Family Law Forum begins by looking at the ‘new normal’ for family law practitioners - May 2020
The Family Team at Crown Office Row propose a series of "Family Forum" meetings providing a rolling program of the latest family law topics taking place every Tuesday afternoon. Join the 1COR Family...
Pupils Anogika Souresh and Hope Spalding undertake advocacy training for Children Arbitration - Apr 2020
Our pupils Hope Spalding and Anogika Souresh are now on their feet in their second six and receiving instructions. To build their expertise, both have completed training in advocacy for Children...
Arbitration for relocation – the extension of the Children Arbitration Scheme - Apr 2020
The Children's Arbitration scheme has now been extended to cover temporary and permanent relocation to countries which have ratified The Hague Convention and for as long as we remain bound by Brussels...
What to do about children spending time with their separated parents during COVID-19 - Apr 2020
COVID-19 is racing through the country and the nation is on lockdown. Separated parents are already dealing with the logistical difficulties caused by the closure of schools and nurseries....
Resolve your disputes remotely and without relying on the Family Court during COVID-19 - Mar 2020
COVID-19 is having far reaching effects on families throughout Sussex. Arrangements for children are being disrupted and families are not able to access the Family Court in a timely manner. 1COR is...
Celebrate National Pro Bono week with 1COR’s arbitration team - Nov 2019
As part of its commitment to supporting National Pro-Bono week (4 - 8 November 2019), 1COR is offering 3 written pro bono children arbitration determinations on a 'first come first served' basis. ...
Julie Stather speaks to delegates at Sussex Dispute Resolution Day about Child Arbitration - Jun 2019
On 13th June, Julie Stather spoke to the members of East and West Sussex Resolution at their annual dispute resolution day at Buxted Park. Her topic of children arbitration included an outline of the...
An endorsement for arbitration from Mr Justice Moor in CM v CM - Mar 2019
Mr Justice Moor has recently heard the case of CM v CM [2019] EWFC 16 which concerned financial remedy proceedings. Directions had been given for the instruction of an expert to value companies and...
Julie Stather appears in a secure accommodation case at the Royal Courts of Justice in London - Mar 2019
Julie Stather, author of the Secure Accommodation Handbook, appeared in this case in which an application was made to hold a child who was a ward of court in secure accommodation. The child had been...
1COR speak at the annual Thames Valley Family Lawyer’s Society Seminar - Mar 2019
On 20th March 2019, Amanda Minto, Anita Mehta, Julie Stather and Rebecca Davies will all speak to the Thames Valley Family Law Society (TVFLS) about different areas of Family Law which have seen...
Children Arbitration: A guide for solicitors - Mar 2019
Julie Stather, an Accredited IFLA Arbitrator, has written a guide to children arbitration for solicitors in recognition of this growing area of dispute resolution, which can relieve pressure on the...
Julie Stather considers the future of arbitration in family proceedings on Family Law Week - Feb 2019
Julie Stather looks at the recent case of BC v BG [2019] EWFC 7 and how it will effect the arbitration both immediately and in the future. You can find the full article on Family Law Week here. ...
Enhancing the rights of grandchildren to see their grandparents - Jun 2018
Julie Stather advances the case for reform of the law relating to the rights of grandchildren to see their grandparents. It is some six years since I last wrote about the position of grandparents...
Chambers are delighted to welcome Julie Stather and Rebecca Davies as new tenants - Jan 2018