Welcome to the tenth issue of the QMLR, brought to you by the barristers at 1 Crown Office Row to update you on developments in Summer and Autumn 2021. 

Download the Summer/Autumn 2021 newsletter here: 1COR Quarterly Medical Law Review – Issue 10 – Summer Autumn 2021

Visit www.1corqmlr.com to read all our individual articles.

In this edition you will find:

Jo Moore explains the Court of Appeal decision concerning secondary victims and clinical negligence on page 2.

Isabel McArdle considers the controversial Court of Appeal decision in Griffiths v TUI signalling a new approach to expert evidence on page 3.

Richard Mumford explores Montgomery and what constitutes a reasonable alternative on page 6.

Lizanne Gumbel QC summarises a recent decision in which a Defendant was not allowed to resile from an admission on page 8.

Dominic Ruck Keene considers two decisions on limitation in the clinical negligence context on page 10.

Shaheen Rahman QC summarises two clinical negligence decisions on page 16.

Matt Donmall explains two contrasting outcomes in two quantum decisions in fatals cases on page 19.

Robert Kellar QC explores another decision on vicarious liability in the dental context on page 20.

Dominic Ruck Keene also summarises a recent abuse case which considers vicarious liability on page 23.

Pritesh Rathod digests the Supreme Court’s decision on QOCS and set-off in Ho v Adelekun on page 28.

Giles Colin highlights another third party costs order against an expert on page 29.

Suzanne Lambert summarises several fundamental dishonesty decisions on page 31.

Marina Wheeler QC summarises Bell v Tavistock concerning puberty blockers and consent on page 36.

Rajkiran Barhey considers the Divisional Court’s helpful decision on Article 2 on page 39.

Matthew Hill reflects on the decision in Ketcher on disclosure of expert reports in inquests on page 42.

Caroline Cross explains a refusal by the Divisional Court to order a fresh inquest on page 43.

Alice Kuzmenko summarises another decision to refuse to order a fresh inquest on page 45.

Richard Smith highlights a decision exploring the boundaries of the freedom of expression of doctors on page 48.

Jasper Gold considers a decision on departure from GMC Sanctions Guidance on page 49.

Finally, follow us on Twitter at @1corQMLR for breaking news and get in touch with our Marketing Manager Olivia Kaplan for information on upcoming events and to arrange training talks.

If you would like to provide any feedback or further comment, do not hesitate to contact the editorial team at medlaw@1cor.com.