We have welcomed three new pupils to chambers this week – Esme Cairns, Jake Acock and Emily Millard. Over the course of their pupillage they will gain experience in all areas of chambers expertise through their pupil supervisors.
Esme Cairns previously worked at the Law Commission as a Research Assistant on the wills project. She also interned at JUSTICE, a law reform and human rights charity, where she assisted with the working party on behavioural control orders (legal orders imposed through a civil process which have criminal consequences if breached).
Prior to commencing pupillage, Jake Acock was a guest lecturer at both UCL and LSE in tort and contract law. At LSE, Jake was recognised for excellent teaching by the Dean of the Law School. During Jake’s legal training, he was awarded the highest mark of the year in tort law at The University of Law (London Bloomsbury Campus) and achieved the highest mark of his cohort in submissions advocacy at the ICCA, while completing the Bar Training Course.
Emily Millard previously worked as a paralegal in the Care Department of a regional family law firm. Emily provided casework and support to vulnerable clients and regularly represented parents at Public Law Outline meetings.