Looking forward to ‘seeing’ you all at the Bar Council Pupillage Fair on 16th October.

Chat through what we do, who we are and a career at the Bar at our virtual booth.

Read about pupillage during the pandemic from our newest tenants Alice Kuzmenko and Henry Tufnell here.

Go behind the scenes and read about our high profile cases in our annual newsletter, the 1COR Bundlehere
(including our brand new QMLR website, Chambers ‘Dog of the Week’, a landmark ECtHR climate change case and more. )

Careers Overview

Apply via the Pupillage Gateway


Inclusion / Assessed Mini-Pupillage
A mini-pupillage aimed at widening access to the Bar with guaranteed first round interview for Pupillage

For Family, Property, Commercial & Crime see our Brighton Annex.

Follow us: UK Human Rights Blog | Law Pod UK | QMLR | Twitter | LinkedIn

Follow on social media using #PupillageFair2021