Law Pod UK Ep.211 The most significant cases of 2024 - Jan 2025
Environmental Law
Jonathan appeared on a pro bono basis on behalf of a residents’ association at the 7 day planning inquiry into a proposed development at 68-86 Farringdon Road, London.
View full profile »Congratulations to our seven members appointed to the Attorney General’s Panel of Counsel - Sep 2024
Congratulations to Isabel McArdle, Alasdair Henderson, Edward Waldegrave and Dominic Ruck Keene on their promotions to the Attorney General’s A Panel of Counsel, effective from 1st September. We are...
Jonathan Metzer succeeds in unlawful detention trial - Aug 2024
Jonathan Metzer represented a successful claimant in a claim for damages for unlawful detention before HHJ Bloom, sitting at Central London County Court. The Claimant had entered the UK from...
Law Pod UK Ep. 191: Significant Cases of 2023 - Jan 2024
Lucy McCann, Rosalind English and Jon Metzer discuss a selection of significant legal cases from the UK over the past year. Plus: we want your feedback! Please take a couple of minutes to fill in...
Minority Report: Material Contribution or Genetics? - Oct 2023
On 5th October we are hosting a seminar discussing material contribution, underlying genetic conditions, secondary victims (including an update on Paul) and the scope of duty. This seminar is...
Jonathan Metzer appears for family at inquest concerning death of a young man with cannabis-induced psychosis - Jan 2023
Jonathan Metzer was instructed on behalf of the mother of a young man, described as highly intelligent, articulate, charming and well read, who was a heavy cannabis user and was diagnosed with...
Law Pod UK Ep. 176: Significant Cases of 2022 - Dec 2022
In this episode Rosalind English, Lucy McCann and Jon Metzer discuss a selection of significant legal cases from the UK over the past year. Law Pod UK is available on Spotify, Apple...
Inquest into drug overdose on psychiatric unit uncovers failings in care - Jun 2022
Jonathan Metzer recently represented the family of Rullson Warner at the inquest into his death on 9th March 2020 whilst on a psychiatric unit at St Ann’s Hospital in North London. The medical cause...
Inquest into death on psychiatric ward in Essex concludes - May 2022
Bethany Lilley experienced complex mental-health difficulties and had a diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) and a history of psychiatric inpatient admissions. During her...
Jonathan Metzer and Carl Rix examine Article 2 ECHR in inquests in AvMA’s November newsletter - Nov 2021
Available to all Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA) members, Jonathan Metzer and Carl Rix of Fosters Solicitors discuss the application of Article 2 ECHR (the right to life) at inquests in light...
Report recommends greater regulation for private care facilities - Sep 2021
Following the inquest into the death of Ben King and two other in-patients at a private hospital in Norfolk, the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board has published a report identifying serious failures...
Jonathan Metzer appears at inquest into death of man with Down’s Syndrome - Jul 2021
Jonathan Metzer was instructed by Carl Rix of Fosters Solicitors to represent the mother of Ben King at a two-week inquest into Ben’s death. Ben was a 32-year old man with Down’s syndrome,...
Jonathan Metzer succeeds on behalf of Ghanaian with HIV - Mar 2021
Jonathan Metzer appeared successfully via video link before the First-tier Tribunal at the appeal of a 62-year old man who is HIV positive and suffering with resultant end stage kidney disease against...
Law Pod UK Ep. 134: the significant cases of 2020 - Jan 2021
Whilst many of us would prefer not to dwell on 2020, it was a year that produced many interesting decisions. In Episode 134, Michael Spencer and Jonathan Metzer talk to Emma-Louise Fenelon about the...
Coroner makes 11 recommendations in inquest involving a stillbirth - Nov 2020
Barristers from 1 Crown Office Row appeared at the inquest into the death of a baby following a failed forceps delivery. Baby F suffered a fractured skull and it was found that his injuries implied an...
Inquest into death of Sharon Kelly concludes - Nov 2020
Sharon Kelly suffered from a long history of mental health problems, including previous suicide attempts, most recently in May 2019 which resulted in her being admitted for a period as an inpatient....
1COR Quarterly Medical Law Review – Summer 2020 – Issue 6 - Sep 2020
Welcome to the sixth issue of the Quarterly Medical Law Review, brought to you by the barristers at 1 Crown Office Row. Download the Summer 2020 newsletter here: 1COR QMLR - Summer 2020 - Issue 6 ...
Congratulations on our Six Members appointed to the Attorney General’s Panel of Counsel - Aug 2020
We are delighted to announce that Isabel McArdle and Matthew Hill have been appointed to the B Panel of Counsel, with Jessica Elliott, Gideon Barth, Emma-Louise Fenelon and Jonathan Metzer appointed...
Jonathan Metzer instructed in challenge to Coronavirus prison restrictions - Aug 2020
Legal action is being taken regarding restrictions on prison visits and lack of video contact available for families of prisoners since March of this year. This has significantly impacted children,...
Jonathan Metzer succeeds in asylum deportation appeal - Jul 2020
The appellant was a Sri Lankan Tamil who fled the country with his family and neighbours in four open boats after the appellant’s father had been detained and tortured on suspicion of association...
Jonathan Metzer succeeds in Iraq asylum claim - Apr 2020
Prior to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jonathan Metzer was successful in persuading the First-tier Tribunal that asylum should be granted to a 19 year old Kurdish appellant from a village in...
Jonathan Metzer successfully appeals “unduly harsh” deportation - Feb 2020
In a case reminiscent of others recently in the news, Jonathan Metzer was successful in an appeal on behalf of a national of Barbados who was set to be deported by the Home Office for historic...
Jonathan Metzer completes Pegasus Scholarship in the USA - Jan 2020
Jonathan Metzer has returned to Chambers after completing his six week Pegasus Scholarship in the United States. The Pegasus Scholarship programme was established to foster links between the UK and...
Law Pod UK Ep. 94: A Rogue Prorogation? - Sep 2019
Emma-Louise Fenelon talks through the recent Supreme Court ruling that prorogation was unlawful with Jonathan Metzer, Commissioning Editor of the UK Human Rights Blog, and Jo Moore, Head of Outreach...
Jonathan Metzer and Charlotte Gilmartin to travel the world as Pegasus Scholars in 2019 - Sep 2019
Congratulations to Jonathan Metzer and Charlotte Gilmartin, who have both been awarded outgoing Pegasus Scholarships for 2019. The Pegasus Scholarship Scheme is run by the Inner Temple for barristers...
1COR walk in the LLST’s London Legal Walk 2019 - Jun 2019
These 1COR boots are made for the London Legal Walk 2019! Each year 1COR raise money to provide access to justice through their support of the London Legal Support Trust (LLST). Each...
Scope of Duty and Causation: Chester v Afshar Revisited - Jun 2019
Join us for an evening looking at scope of duty and causation in medical claims based on Chester v Afshar [2005] 1 AC 134, which have come to the fore in recent cases such as Pomphrey v Secretary of...
Jonathan Metzer appears in significant double inquest in Ipswich - Apr 2019
Jonathan Metzer appeared on behalf of the family of Thomas and Katherine Kemp at a 6 day inquest at the Suffolk Coroner’s Court, in which the Coroner recorded significant criticisms of care provided...
Law Pod UK Ep. 59: The cases that defined 2018 - Dec 2018
And so we come to the end of another whirlwind year. It has gone by with worryingly rapid speed. As I write this it is hard to remember that scorching hot summer, with a Royal Wedding in bright...
Success for local residents’ association in Pro Bono Planning Inquiry - Dec 2018
Charlotte Gilmartin appeared pro bono on behalf of The Isleworth Society at an eight day planning inquiry in to a proposed residential development at the Park Road Allotment site in Isleworth. The...
Jonathan Metzer nominated for ‘Young Pro Bono Barrister of the Year’ in the Bar Pro Bono Awards 2018 - Oct 2018
1COR are delighted that Jonathan Metzer has been nominated by clients and peers for the award of ‘Young Pro Bono Barrister of the Year’. Since 1997, the Bar Pro Bono Awards have been given in...
Jonathan Metzer succeeds in Sri Lanka asylum appeal - Jun 2018
Jonathan Metzer succeeded in an appeal before the First-tier Tribunal on behalf of a Sri Lankan Tamil who feared being detained and tortured by the Sri Lankan government on the basis of perceived...
Law Pod UK Ep. 24: Right of residence under EU rules - Mar 2018
Commissioning Editor of the UK Human Rights Blog, Jonathan Metzer, discusses with Rosalind English the right of appeal against refusal of a residence card under the EU immigration rules for family and...
Jonathan Metzer succeeds in sham marriage appeal - Feb 2018
Jonathan Metzer succeeded in an appeal on behalf of a married couple at the First-tier Tribunal in EK & MN v Secretary of State for the Home Department. The Secretary of State’s decision that...
Jonathan Metzer and Charlotte Gilmartin appear in significant planning inquiry regarding proposed development - Feb 2018