John Whitting KC has been recognised as a leading silk by the legal directories for a number of years.​  He is a specialist in all aspects of healthcare law, including clinical negligence, product liability and inquests.  John is a noted trial advocate and has appeared in a number of the leading cases in those fields both at first instance and in the appellate courts.   ​

John has been recognised as a leader by the legal directories since 2012. In 2022, John was named Clinical Negligence Silk of the Year at the Chambers and Partners UK Bar Awards.

“John is simply the best.  Few barristers understand clinical negligence work as well as he does.  He delivers great results every time.” (Legal 500 2025)

“John delivers results time after time and is absolutely one of the best counsel in the field of clinical negligence.” (Chambers & Partners 2025)

“A superb advocate with a skill set crossing both claimant and defendant work, John is quite simply a lethal weapon in the legal armoury.” His cross-examination of experts is superb.” “John provides clear, succinct and carefully considered advice. He is always well prepared and totally reliable.” (Chambers & Partners 2024)

“A sublime silk who works fabulously with juniors.” (Legal 500 2024)

“John has a dazzling intellect. He is one of the best.” “John is highly knowledgeable and supremely able.” “He is a brilliant, brilliant legal mind who is completely relatable with clients and who is able to cut to the nub of the issue with ease and flair to address the key issues.” (Chambers & Partners 2023)

“John is an excellent advocate, he pays meticulous attention-to-detail, and is very personable.” (Legal 500 2023)

“He is excellent with experts and empathetic with clients who are in dire straits.” “A brilliant thinker and clear strategist in relation to complex cases.” “He is a superlative tactician. What is more, his attention to detail is phenomenal, and his work ethic consistently strong.” (Chambers & Partners 2022)

“He provides pragmatic advice, and is charming with both witnesses and clients. A stealthy cross-examiner.” (Legal 500 2022)

“He’s very intelligent and has a good eye for detail. He is also an excellent negotiator and is very good with clients.” “Always well prepared and an excellent advocate.” “He very fair, down to earth and works tirelessly for his clients.” (Chambers & Partners 2021)

Truly excellent and first choice for a tough liability case.” (Legal 500 2021)

“He provides superb client service.” “John is a standout silk – he is straightforward, realistic and very confident.” “A very good advocate.” (Chambers & Partners 2020)

“Truly excellent.” (Legal 500 2019)

“Fantastic. Very concise, very thorough and very methodical.” “An excellent advocate.” (Chambers & Partners 2019)

“A calm, skilled advocate, team player, and very well respected leader.” (Legal 500 2018)

“An excellent advocate who knows how to win and is easy to deal with.” “Well prepared and self-assured.” (Chambers & Partners 2018)

“A really excellent leader.” (Legal 500 2017)

“He’s one of the fiercest and brightest cross-examiners I’ve ever seen. He’s a real destroyer in cross-examination.” “He’s razor sharp.” (Chambers & Partners 2017)

”He doesn’t miss a trick, but at the same time is extremely relaxed and personable.” (Legal 500 2016)

“John Whitting’s cross-examination is the best I’ve ever seen.” “He is an extremely experienced and authoritative clinical negligence advocate.” (Chambers & Partners 2016)

“One of the best trial advocates; determined and a true warrior.” (Legal 500 2015)

“Cool as a cucumber, he’s incredibly calm and never misses a trick…Intellectually superior, he cuts to the quick and doesn’t get sidetracked by irrelevant issues.” (Chambers & Partners 2015)

“A silk with a growing reputation, who is considered to be amongst the best at cross-examination in the London market.” “I think he’s probably the most devastating cross-examiner I’ve ever seen in court – it’s like a courtroom television programme! He’s a very, very bright guy.” “A real fighter with high standards, he’s a truly gifted trial advocate who gets the right result for his clients” (Chambers & Partners 2014)

“Praised for the value he brings to maximum severity claims and described as delightful to deal with, very good with clients with an uncommon ability to produce first-rate advice with seeming effortlessness and to great effect. (Chambers & Partners 2013)

“A real fighter” with “exceptional advocacy skills.” (Chambers & Partners 2012)

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