Robert Mills successful in obtaining an award for a Bullock costs order in a clinical negligence trial - Nov 2024
Robert is a clinical negligence specialist, acting for both claimants and defendants. He has experience of litigation across a wide range of areas of medicine, with a particular interest in obstetrics, brain injuries, oncology, orthopaedics and cardiology. He also conducts clinical negligence inquest work. He is experienced in handling high value litigation involving life-changing injuries.
Robert has a particular interest in the law surrounding fatal accident claims, which represent a core component of his practice and on which he regularly provides training. He provides specialist advice on high value claims for care, loss of earnings and pension loss. He is regularly instructed by solicitors across the country, including Birmingham, Manchester and London, as well as a strong practice in the South West.
In the personal injury field, Robert regularly conducts fast-track and multi-track trials. He has experience across the spectrum of personal injury litigation, including employer’s liability, occupier’s liability, Highways Act 1980 and road traffic cases. He regularly attends applications relating to issues such as pre-action disclosure, default judgment, amendments to statements of case and strike out.
Robert is a member of the Action Versus Medical Accidents (AVMA) Charity, is on their pro bono inquest panel. He further undertakes clinical negligence cases for clients of the Bar Pro Bono Unit.
Robert enjoys both writing papers and presenting them at solicitors’ firms and AVMA events. He particularly enjoys speaking on the topics of dental negligence litigation, causation in clinical negligence, secondary victim claims and fatal accident claims in clinical negligence.
Clinical NegligenceClinical negligence is the focus of Robert’s practice. He undertakes a wide range of clinical negligence work, with regular instructions across all areas of medicine, including obstetrics, brain injuries, oncology, orthopaedics and cardiology. He is experienced in handling high value clinical negligence litigation involving life-changing injuries.
Robert has a particular interest in the law surrounding fatal accident claims, which represent a core component of his practice and on which he regularly provides training. He provides specialist advice on high value claims for care, loss of earnings and pension loss.
Robert is also experienced in representing interested parties at clinical negligence inquests. He is pleased to accept instructions to represent families at inquests on a conditional fee basis.
“Robert is extremely intelligent and capable in both the strategy of the claim and in his legal knowledge.” Chambers & Partners 2025
“Robert is responsive, approachable, exceptionally bright and capable and his attention to detail is admirable.” “Robert is my problem solver, and one of the future stars of the profession.” Chambers & Partners 2024
“Robert is a really superb barrister. He is extremely bright and knowledgeable and knows cases inside out. Robert’s advocacy is also very impressive – he is eloquent, confident and persuasive and he always manages to secure excellent results.” Legal 500 2024
Selected Cases
- [2023] – Acting for the Claimant in a spinal injury case led by Matthew Philips KC. Allegations concern failure to obtain informed consent for spinal surgery, together with negligent undertaking of the said surgery. Robert has fully pleaded the schedule of loss in excess of £14 million.
- [2022] On-going – Acting for the claimant in a case concerning alleged negligence in performing bowel surgery. It is alleged that the development of a post-operative fistula was as a result of intra-operative negligence. The claimant has also sustained psychological injury. Damages are pleaded in excess of £1,000,000.00.
- [2021] – Acted for the defendant in a fatal accident claim. The defendant admitted breach of duty and causation in failing to provide treatment to prevent a pulmonary embolism. Settlement was reached with a material reduction to damages despite the admissions of liability.
- [2022] On-going – Acted for the claimant in a claim arising out of a failure to obtain informed consent for and adequately perform an inguinal hernia repair surgery. The claimant claims for material damages arising out of on-going disability to satisfy future care needs amounting to around £250,000.00.
- [2022] On-going – Acted for the claimant in a complex fatal accident case. The claim arises out of the negligent treatment of the deceased’s ovarian cancer. The claim is pleaded at over £1 million.
- [2022] On-going – Acted for the claimant in a fatal accident claim arising out of the defendants’ failure to diagnose and treat cancer of the larynx. Liability is firmly disputed by both the GP and the hospital. High value financial and services dependency claims are advanced taking damages to nearly £900,000.00 with a pension loss claim is the process of being quantified in addition.
- [2020] – Acted for the claimant, as Junior Counsel to Matthew Phillips KC. This is a claim for undiagnosed fractures of both shoulder blades. The pleaded value of the case was in excess of £3,000,000.00. Settlement was reached at mediation.
- [2019] – Acted for the defendant in a claim concerning negligently performed hip replacement surgery. High value care and accommodation claims took the special damages claim to over £650,000.00. The claim settled for a sum significantly below that pleaded.
- [2019] – Acted for the claimant in this case concerning an alleged negligent failure to diagnose a scaphoid fracture. The pleaded value of the case in excess of £1,000,000.00. Settlement was reached at mediation.
Robert has gained experience across the spectrum of personal injury litigation including product liability employer’s liability, occupier’s liability, Highways Act 1980 and road traffic cases. He advises on liability, quantum and the tactical progression of cases. He regularly represents both claimants and defendants at fast-track and multi-track trials.
Robert has a particular interest in fatal accident claims and orthopaedic injuries in the personal injury context and regularly advises on the same. He regularly provides training in both areas to solicitors firms around the country.
Robert is experienced in representing both families and NHS Trusts and Health Boards at inquests. He has been a member of the AVMA pro bono inquest panel.
Selected Cases
- Representing the family of a Deceased man who was not transferred to the cath lab on arrival at hospital, having suffered a cardiac arrest. It was alleged that the delayed transfer led to a second cardiac arrest and the inability to unblock an artery thereafter.
- Representing a Welsh Health Board in an inquest concerning the death of a woman where there was an alleged delay in transferring her to hospital to undergo a procedure to relief a bowel obstruction.
- Representing the family of a Deceased man who underwent surgery and subsequently developed systemic inflammatory response syndrome. It was alleged that there was a delay in diagnosis and treatment of his condition leading to his death.
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