Nicholas joined chambers as a tenant in October 2023 following the successful completion of his pupillage and is currently building a diverse practice. He is happy to consider instructions across all of Chambers’ core areas.
Nicholas has quickly built up a wide range of advocacy experience, having appeared unled in an extensive range of trials, inquests, and interlocutory hearings. In October 2023, he successfully defended an NHS Trust in the 3-day multi-track trial of an EL/PL matter in the County Court at Central London. The Defendant succeeded on both the facts and the law, following extensive cross-examination of the Claimant throughout the first day of the trial.
Before coming to the Bar, Nicholas volunteered as an advocate with the School Exclusion Project representing pupils appealing their exclusion from school, and as a researcher looking at the implications of voter ID at the privacy-focussed think tank Big Brother Watch.
He also worked as a paralegal in a large City law firm where he was based in the public law, planning and infrastructure team. In that role, he was involved in a range of matters, from advising on draft legislation in the Northern Ireland Assembly to assisting with planning disputes involving the construction of new housing.
InquestsNicholas has quickly acquired extensive experience advising on and appearing in inquests, acting as sole counsel on behalf of families, state bodies, NHS Trusts, and healthcare organisations. These have included multi-day inquests involving numerous IPs, those heard before a jury, and those engaging Article 2 of the ECHR. He regularly appears at PIRHs.
The inquests in which Nicholas has acted have covered subject matter ranging from suicide and substance misuse in the prison context, to accidents at work, death following falls in hospital, and delays in the delivery of medical treatment.
Selected Cases
- Inquest into the death of MH (ongoing): Currently acting for the family of a man who died after a decision was taken not to convey him to hospital. This case has involved several PIRHs, with a final hearing to be heard over several days in 2025.
- Inquest into the death of FE (ongoing): Currently acting for the family of a woman who died by choking whilst detained under the MHA. This will be heard over 5 days as a jury inquest.
- Inquest into the death of GF (2025): Acted for a GP in his own right following the death of a man from neutrophilic sepsis.
- Inquest into the death of KH (2024): Represented an NHS trust in a week-long Article 2 inquest into the death of a woman who died shortly after release from prison. There were six IPs involved.
- Inquest into the death of RN (2024): Acted pro bono for the family of a woman who died following a c. 1-hour delay in the arrival of an ambulance.
- Inquest into the death of JP (2024): Acted for a GP practice in a 2-day inquest into the death of another GP from suicide.
- Inquest into the death of RF (2024): Represented a healthcare organisation in a two-week, Article 2, jury inquest following the death of an inmate at HMP Chelmsford.
- Inquest into the death of MB (2024): Acted pro bono for the family of a man who died following a c. 4-hour delay in the arrival of an ambulance.
- Inquest into the death of SA (2023): Represented an NHS trust in a two-day jury inquest into the death of a woman who suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of a fall at work.
Nicholas has a busy advisory practice in respect of both liability and quantum, and acts for both claimants and defendants.
He is regularly instructed to assist parties both on paper and in conference, and regularly appears in interlocutory hearings in the High Court and County Court, including CCMCs and strike-out applications.
Between April and September 2024, Nicholas was seconded part-time to a leading national claimant-focussed clinical negligence firm, where he acquired particular experience in advising on and progressing medical negligence claims from the early stages onwards.
Nicholas has a strong interest in public law and human rights, and worked on a range of high-profile matters during pupillage.
He was recently instructed by an NGO to draft submissions in proceedings before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights.
Nicholas has a particular interest in environmental law, having worked on a number of cases during pupillage under the supervision of Jess Elliott. Within this area, Nicholas has a keen interest in cases involving nuisance of all forms – from water and smoke, to odour and noise.
Further to his experience as a paralegal in a large City law firm, through which he was involved in planning and environmental matters, Nicholas is also interested in the built environment and is looking to grow his practice in these areas.
Nicholas has extensive experience of personal injury disputes, and regularly appears in a diverse range of trials and hearings.
He has particular knowledge of employer’s liability claims, having advised and acted for both claimants and defendants at all stages of such cases up to and including trial. This has included advising on quantum, offers, tactics, and settlement, and appearing in trials on both the fast track and multi track.
In October 2024, Nicholas successfully represented as sole counsel a defendant NHS Trust in a 3-day multi-track trial (RO v Camden and Islington NHS Trust), in an employer’s liability/personal injury case pleaded at over £175,000, in which both liability and quantum were in dispute. There was a fundamental factual dispute at the heart of the case, requiring extensive cross-examination of the claimant. Judgment was delivered in November 2024 and the defendant successfully defeated the claim, with the judge accepting the defendant’s case on the facts, on breach of duty, and on causation.
Listen to Nick and Jo Moore discussing how the law of personal injury applies to football in episode 197 of our podcast Law Pod UK.
Nicholas is currently instructed in the Covid-19 Inquiry by an ambulance service, along with Richard Booth KC, Shahram Sharghy, Darragh Coffey and Lance Baynham.
Nicholas enjoyed undertaking a complex piece of advisory work concerning Ratings law during his pupillage and is keen to build his practice in that area.
Nicholas has a busy data protection practice, and is regularly instructed to advise and draft in respect of claims arising out of the GDPR and misuse of private information.
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