In the latest AvMA Newsletter, Sarabjit Singh QC, Robert Kellar QC & Dominic Ruck Keene examine key cases, themes and implications during COVID-19 for medical negligence cases. Get the full copy on the AvMA website here or download it: AvMA Newsletter June 2020
Sarabjit Singh QC examines whether “Unlicensed but safe, drugs can be recommended on the grounds of its lower costs” with specific reference to the case of Bayer Plc v NHS Darlington Clinical Commissioning Group [2020] EWCA Civ 449 and the implication for COVID-19 medical treatment. (pg. 20)
Robert Kellar QC asks: “Vicarious liability: where are we now?” Although Barclays Bank v Various Claimants [2020] UKSC 13 is not a clinical negligence case, it could impact on claims against private healthcare providers. (pg. 38)
Dominic Ruck Keene discusses “The Possible impact of COVID-19 on clinical negligence litigation”, highlighting the difficulties practitioners may encounter in a range of possible claims. (pg. 4)
25th June between 10 am – 1.00 pm and features a Legal Update from Richard Booth QC. Book your place and find out more here.