The Welsh Government has decided against building at 1.4bn M4 relief road because of the environmental impact and cost of the project. The six lane road would have been 14 miles long and wrap around the city of Newport in Wales. Whilst cost remained a critical factor, the impact on the environment was also a major concern. Environmental groups such as RSPB Cymru and Friends of the Earth celebrate the decision as it protects the Gwent Levels, a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest and an area of wetland which is a crucial habitat for many species of bird, animal and insect.
Alasdair Henderson represented the Gwent Wildlife Trust, one of a large number of objectors to the proposal, in the planning inquiry. He was joined on the team by Dominic Ruck-Keene and Hannah Noyce and instructed by the Environmental Law Foundation (ELF).
More in the press below or on our original news item here.