
Shaheen acts for families and healthcare professionals at inquests with extensive experience of Article 2 and jury inquests concerning detained patients, the elderly and infant deaths.

She is instructed by healthcare providers in a number of cases involving the deaths of mental health patients.

“Shaheen has a very assured touch. She helps to cope with the sense of the strategy while having a tremendous legal mind.”(Chambers & Partners 2025)

“Shaheen is a brilliant advocate and excellent on her feet. She has a real skill for making sure the family feel like they have a voice.” (Legal 500 2024)

“Fearless and brilliant on her feet.” (Legal 500 2023)

“She is fearless on her feet and she has an incredible ability to deal with experts.” (Chambers & Partners 2023)

“I cannot praise her highly enough. She is brilliant and clever, and her skill as an advocate is inspiring to watch.” (Legal 500 2021)

Selected Cases

  • David Stokes Inquest [2023]: Instructed for the County Council in complex Article 2 jury inquest concerning a vulnerable man who had received care from a number of providers including the council and health trust.
  • Joe Pooley Inquest [2022]: Instructed as Counsel to the Inquest.
  • Re AG [2022]: Article 2 jury inquest for the family of a woman who died whilst detained under the MHA. Liability admitted in civil claim.
  • JK [2021]: For family of woman who died as a result of complications of rectopexy surgery performed by surgeon facing GMC proceedings. Ongoing civil claim.
  • Re A [2020]: For the family of a child who died of sepsis. Civil claim for estate and secondary victims settled.
  • Re TB [2020]: For the family of a woman who died following surgery. Claim settled with article 2 damages.
  • Re JT [2018]: For a Mental Health Trust at Article 2 jury inquest.
  • Muriel Gentry [2017]: For the family of an elderly woman who died following an overdose of insulin medication. Nurse referred to NMC.
  • Margaret Astill [2017]: For the family of a mental health inpatient who was assaulted during her admission and subsequently suffered a fatal fall. Article 2 jury inquest. Coroner issued a Regulation 28 report to prevent future deaths.
  • Emily Radavicius [2016]: Instructed by hospital in stillbirth case.
  • Charlotte Foster [2016]: For the family of a young woman who died from unrecognised complications of the oral contraceptive pill. Coroner referred the treating GP to the GMC. Civil claim settled.
  • Freya Wells [2015]: Instructed by treating clinician at inquest concerning the death of a 5 year old child and in subsequent GMC proceedings.
  • DO v An NHSFT [2015]: For the mother of a woman discharged from mental health services who took her own life and that of her young son. HRA claim settled.
  • Dalhaug v LG NHSFT [2015]: For the parents of twins, one of whom died as a result of negligent application of forceps during labour. Representation at inquest resulting in Regulation 28 report with criticism of the Trust’s inadequate investigation. Civil claim including secondary victim claims settled.
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