Pritesh Rathod reappointed to Sports Resolution’s Pro Bono Service - Jul 2024
Pritesh Rathod is a sought after barrister who specializes in the fields of clinical negligence and personal injury. He regularly appears in the High Court and County Courts in a wide range of hearings, with a particular strength in trials and appeals. He represents both claimants and defendants.
Inquests also feature heavily in his practice, where he acts for families, NHS Trusts and individual doctors.
Pritesh brings his medical law experience to sports law cases including advising on disputes between athletes and their governing bodies and personal injury and/or clinical negligence cases arising out of sporting injuries.
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Pritesh Rathod appointed Independent Judicial Panel Chair at BUCS - May 2024
Pritesh Rathod has been appointed as an Independent Judicial Panel Chair by British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) for an initial term of 3 years. BUCS is the national governing body for...
Inquest into death from rare urea cycle disorder after consuming protein shake - Jul 2023
Pritesh Rathod, instructed by Sarah Kingsley-Fried of Fieldfisher, represented the family of 16 year old Rohan Godhania. He died after suffering from hyperammonaemia (an accumulation of ammonia in the...
1COR Quarterly Medical Law Review – Summer/Autumn 2021 – Issue 10 - Jan 2022
Welcome to the tenth issue of the QMLR, brought to you by the barristers at 1 Crown Office Row to update you on developments in Summer and Autumn 2021. Download the Summer/Autumn 2021 newsletter...
New book release: Clinical Guidelines and the Law of Medical Negligence: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives - Nov 2021
We are pleased to announce that a book to which Pritesh Rathod has contributed entitled Clinical Guidelines and the Law of Medical Negligence: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives has been...
Pritesh Rathod appointed Deputy District Judge - May 2020
We are delighted that Pritesh Rathod has been appointed a Deputy District Judge on the South Eastern Circuit, in addition to his full time practice. Read more about his expertise here.
Members of chambers participate in Inner Temple outreach day - Nov 2019
This week, three members of 1 Crown Office Row volunteered their time to participate in Inner Temple’s Schools Day events. These events, run in collaboration with the Sutton Trust and other...
1COR hosts Sutton Trust students for an insight into life at the Bar - Oct 2019
What is a barrister? 1COR hosts Sutton Trust Pathways to Law students to give them a glimpse into life at the Bar. 1COR, led by Head of Outreach Jo Moore, welcomes Sutton Trust students to learn...
Scope of Duty and Causation: Chester v Afshar Revisited - Jun 2019
Join us for an evening looking at scope of duty and causation in medical claims based on Chester v Afshar [2005] 1 AC 134, which have come to the fore in recent cases such as Pomphrey v Secretary of...
Law Pod UK Ep. 48: Clinical Guidelines in Clinical Negligence Cases - Nov 2018
Emma-Louise Fenelon talks with Pritesh Rathod about the significance of clinical guidelines in his clinical negligence practice and recent controversy involving maternal choice caesareans,...
Pritesh Rathod to speak at ‘Clinical Guidelines: Litigation, Patient Safety and the Law’ conference - Sep 2018
Pritesh Rathod has been invited to speak at the 'Clinical Guidelines: Litigation, Patient Safety and the Law' conference to be held at Friends House, London on 27th September 2018. Drawing upon...
Pritesh Rathod successful in High Court trial Scaddon v Morgan (2017) - Jun 2017
Pritesh Rathod successfully represented the Claimant in a High Court trial relating to negligent treatment given to her by a Consultant Gynaecologist. Mrs Scaddon proved that at a private...
Profits from the sale of the Inquest Book given to the Bar Pro Bono Unit - Nov 2016
The Inquest Book: The Law on Coroners and Inquests edited by Caroline Cross was published earlier this year. This week, profits raised of £954.41 have been donated to the Bar Pro Bono Unit by the...
Pritesh Rathod appears at highly publicised contraceptive pill-DVT inquest - Jan 2016
Pritesh Rathod represented the family of 21 year old Fallan Kurek, who died in May 2015 after a massive pulmonary embolism triggered by the use of the Rigevidon combined contraceptive pill. Fallan had...
1COR quiz team wins the Leigh Day / Silverlining Brain Injury Charity Quiz night - Feb 2015
1COR beat all the competition in the Leigh Day / Silverlining Brain Injury Quiz on Thursday 12 February 2015. The team consisted of 8 members of Chambers; Amelia Walker, Lois Williams, Judith...
Pritesh Rathod represented the family of Robert Goddard in the Inquest into his death - Jun 2014
Robert Goddard died aged 2 days old. An Inquest into his death heard that Robert's mother had not been weighed at appointments in the antenatal assessment centre. Had she been weighed, it would have...
1COR appears in inquest on death of 13-year old schoolboy run over outside his school - Jul 2013