Employment & Equality

Jo frequently appears in the Employment Tribunal in a range of cases, from discrimination and equality to unpaid wages and dismissal. She has experience in acting in complex trials, as well as representing parties in judicial mediation and in an advisory capacity. Jo is also interested in the intersection between employment and public law, and acted for the civil servant trade union FDA in a judicial review which turned in part on the terms of their engagement by the government.

Selected Cases

  • Chapman v Secretary of State for Justice (2023). Jo acted for the Respondent in this claim brought by a Trainee Probation Officer, who alleged constructive unfair dismissal. Following a four-day hearing with eight witnesses, Employment Judge Russell, sitting in the Employment Tribunal in Cardiff, found that there had been no repudiatory breach of the employee’s contract by the Respondent, and dismissed her claim in full.
  • Mendez v Advisory Conciliation and Arbitration Service (2023). Jo represented ACAS, defending a claim in which the Claimant alleged constructive unfair dismissal, unlawful deductions from wages, direct and indirect disability discrimination and failure to make reasonable adjustments. The Employment Tribunal unanimously determined that none of the claims were well-founded, and dismissed each of them. The ET further noted that a number of the claims were out of time, and would have declined to extend its jurisdiction if the claims had not been otherwise dismissed.
  • Clements v Secretary of State for Justice and another (2022). Jo represented the Respondent in a successful application for strike out. The Claim related to an alleged health and safety detriment (s. 44(1A) Employment Rights Act 1996), in light of the Claimant leaving his place of work due to alleged Covid-19 related concerns. Jo also represented the Respondent in a subsequent costs application, recovering over £50,000 of the costs of defending the Claim.
  • Kelly’s Nails v HMRC: Representing HMRC, recovering sums owed to employees following an unlawful failure to pay the national minimum wage.

Jo first developed an interest in employment law while serving as an elected trade union branch officer. She has also carried out employment work on a pro bono basis for the Free Representation Unit (FRU). Listen to Jo discuss full disclosure of convictions for sex workers on episode 28 of our podcast Law Pod UK here.

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