Iain O’Donnell has just acted for the family of Lilliana Tailor, who died 2 days after her birth, at the inquest into her death that was held on 7-10 November 2022.

Lilliana’s was a breech birth. She died on 7 November 2020 at the Royal Preston Hospital as a result of various clinical factors, including a failure by the Trust to offer a caesarean section to her mother at a time when it was obvious that she was likely to be born in poor condition if delivered naturally.

The family submitted that the Trust’s failure to offer a caesarean section constituted a gross failure to provide basic medical care that amounted to neglect, which caused or contributed to Lilliana’s death.

The Coroner agreed with the family’s submission, and his substantial narrative conclusion included a finding of neglect by the Trust as a result.

Iain was instructed by Fay Marshall of Switalskis Solicitors.