On Tuesday 3rd August, Sarabjit Singh QC gave a live streamed Q&A to the Government Legal Department (GLD) Race Network to commemorate South Asian Heritage Month. He covered issues such as his background, path to the Bar, becoming silk, the challenges facing those from ethnic minority and working class communities in accessing and remaining in the professions and how those challenges could be overcome. Thank you to the GLD Race Network, in particular Sean Wilson, Simon Gomes and Harry Navanayagam, for organising and hosting.
Sarabjit Singh QC was instrumental in establishing the 1COR Assessed Mini-Pupillage Scheme aimed at students from less advantaged backgrounds, to help widen access to the Bar. In addition to full time practice, he is a Bar Council Social Mobility Advocate and regularly participates in outreach events encouraging students from all backgrounds to apply to the Bar.