Alasdair Henderson speaks to Emma-Louise Fenelon about trafficking and modern slavery in our latest, and 50th, episode of LawPod UK, our leading legal podcast. We are fast approaching 90,000 listens since our launch of our legal podcast in May 2017.
Lawpod UK is freely available on iTunes, Audioboom, the Podcast App and many other platforms. It is brought to you by the barristers at 1 Crown Office Row, and produced by Simon Jarvis at Whistledown Studios.
We cover a wide range of subjects: recent popular episodes include Owain Thomas QC discussing the Supreme Court ruling on the liability of emergency services (Ep. 47) and plant geneticist Ottoline Leyser from Cambridge University on the EU rules on GMOs (Ep. 44). We also repost Professor Catherine Barnard’s popular series on the legal steps towards Brexit (Ep. 38, 41, 45 & 47.)
Listen to the 50th episode : Human Trafficking
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