Jo Moore and Emma Fenelon were recently involved in a 6 day inquest into the death of Owen Widlake a baby born on 30 May 2016 at St Mary’s Hospital, on the Isle of Wight.
Jo Moore was instructed on behalf of the family by Dr Ruth O’Sullivan at Action against Medical Accidents.
Emma-Louise Fenelon was instructed to represent Dr Dorobantu, a Paediatric Registrar at St. Mary’s, by the Bar Pro Bono Unit.
Owen Widlake died a day after being born in apparently healthy condition. Assistant Coroner Sarah Whitby found that the severity of his gradually worsening respiratory function was not recognised, that transfer to a tertiary specialist neonatal unit was not sought early enough, particularly considering the geographical location of St Mary’s, and that as a diagnosis of Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension of the Newborn (PPHN) took place at a late stage and was untreated, it could not be resolved.
The Coroner concluded that Owen died of natural causes as a result of undiagnosed PPHN.
The Coroner further undertook to visit St Mary’s and dealt with a number of concerns in a Prevention of Future Deaths Report, including staffing levels, training, and emergency transport links with the mainland.
Read more about the case here.