We are pleased to announce the launch of “Pupillage Inside Out,” a new book written by Isabel McArdle and former 1COR pupil, Daniel Sokol.
“Pupillage Inside Out” – comprehensively covering pupillage – is now out. The book covers pupillage applications and interviews, but the bulk of it concerns the pupillage year itself and the hunt for the all-important tenancy.
“Pupillage is a complex process. It involves simultaneously learning, practising, and impressing. Yet, a pupil needs more than legal knowledge and intellectual ability. A successful pupillage depends in part on how well you interact with members of Chambers, pupils, clerks and solicitors. In addition to showing great promise, you must be a colleague that others would want to have around and work with.”
The authors wanted to share their experiences, but also contacted dozens of current and recent pupils, from all areas of practice, along with clerks, and supervisors, and interviewed them about pupillage. Their quotes are interspersed in the book and give a wide range of perspectives, including insider tips on the often peculiar world that is the Bar of England and Wales.
‘Pupillage Inside Out’ (2013) is out now and published by Sweet & Maxwell.
Read more about the book in a Guardian article here.