Court of Protection

Scott has considerable experience in both health and welfare and property and affairs matters in the Court of Protection before all judicial tiers. He acts in cases involving issues such as:

  • Serious medical treatment
  • Interface with the Mental Health Act 1983
  • Sexual relations
  • Hoarding
  • Internet and social media
  • International relocation
  • Deprivation of liberty, sedation and restraint
  • Physical, sexual and financial abuse
  • Challenging deputies and attorneys

Selected Cases

  • BP v Surrey County Council & Anor [2020] EWCOP 17, Mr Justice Hayden: Represented a local authority in one of the first reported Covid-19 cases in the Court of Protection, which related to suspension of family visits during the pandemic.
  • Re E [2022], Mr Justice Hayden: Acted for an NHS Trust in a serious medical treatment case concerning insertion and management of a feeding tube.
  • Re B [2022], Mr Justice Newton: Acted for a local authority in respect of a vulnerable young adult at risk of exploitation who had left their placement to initiate a relationship with a person of concern.
  • Re N [2023], Mrs Justice Theis: Led by King’s Counsel and instructed by the Official Solicitor in relation to the deprivation of liberty of a conditionally discharged patient, which considered the interface between the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the Mental Health Act 1983.
  • Re B [2023], Mr Justice Williams: Acted for a local authority concerning a young adult with complex behaviours. The case raised issues including drug and alcohol use, sexual relations and contact with high-risk individuals.
  • Re D [2024], Senior Judge Hilder: Led by King’s Counsel and instructed by the Official Solicitor in a case involving a person wishing to engage in a novel sexual practice, which raised implications concerning capacity, best interests and interface with the criminal law.
  • Re W [2024], Senior Judge Hilder: Instructed by the Official Solicitor in a case involving the care and deprivation of liberty of a young adult with obsessive compulsive disorder who was subject to significant restrictions, including supervision by multiple carers.
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