Court of Protection

Rachel is ranked as a “Leading Junior” in the Legal 500 2025 for her Court of Protection work.  She appeared in Mr Justice Hayden’s last reported case as Vice President.

She appears regularly before the Court in a range of proceedings within its jurisdiction and can also assist with both pre- and post-hearing conferences, Round Table Meetings and the drafting of applications.

Rachel’s knowledge of property litigation and personal injury law complements her Court of Protection work, as does her sensitivity and experience of dealing with vulnerable individuals. Rachel has also been commended by clients for taking a robust yet collaborative approach in hearings and RTMs.

Rachel has a particular interest and expertise in how the Court of Protection can protect and promote the best interests of neurodivergent individuals.

Rachel accepts instructions to represent litigation friends (including ALRs and the Official Solicitor), public bodies and family members.

Published Articles:

Capacity, decision making, and the interplay with alcohol and substance abuse” (co-authored with Anogika Souresh) October [2023] Fam Law 1202

Selected Cases

  • A Local Authority v H [2023] EWCOP 4: Acted for the local authority in a case concerning fluctuating capacity and deprivation of liberty regarding a trans individual deemed to pose a real risk of sexual harm to children
  • Re BM: Instructed on behalf of family members in a Property & Affairs case concerning LPAs made by P and involving safeguarding complaints to the OPG
  • Re RM: Instructed by the Official Solicitor in a case concerning the best interests of a 66-year-old individual placed in a psychiatric hospital by his parents aged 9
  • Re CG: Instructed by the local authority in an urgent hearing before the High Court regarding withdrawal of life-saving medical treatment
  • Re Tony Hickmott: Instructed by the NHS Foundation Trust in a case concerning an autistic man discharged from hospital 21 years after being sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983
  • Re GN: Instructed on behalf of the spouse in a case concerning a young man who sustained life-changing injuries in a serious road traffic accident
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