Jane Peckham qualifies as a Financial Remedy Law Arbitrator - Jan 2024
Jane Peckham is the Head of the Financial Remedies Team in Chambers and specialises in this practice area. She has a reputation for being hard working and approachable.
She has been a Resolution trained family mediator since 2013; Jane has acted as a mediator in numerous family mediations including financial remedy disputes
Financial RemediesSpecialising in financial remedies Jane’s practice also encompasses financial applications relating to children pursuant to Schedule 1 Children Act 1989 and civil actions between former co-habitants pursuant to the Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act 1996.
Jane has advised on a variety of cases with modest assets to multi-million pound cases. She has a wealth of experience in dealing with cases, with issues such as: Maintenance Pending suit, Pension sharing and Attachment Orders, businesses, Trust arrangements and bankruptcy and insolvency issues. Her practice also lends itself to advising in professional negligence matters in this area of law.
Jane also acts as a private Judge in financial remedy proceedings.
Jane has significant experience in private law children matters, involving acrimonious contact and residence disputes.
Jane appears at both without notice and on notice (contested) hearings for both non-molestation and occupation orders. She has acted successfully for both applicants and respondents in such applications at final hearing.
Jane accepts work from lay clients via Direct Access. You can view her profile here.
Jane is a qualified Financial Arbitrator.
1COR bring their expertise in Court of Protection and Financial Remedies for training seminars - Nov 2019
A team from 1 Crown Office Row are providing inhouse training on Court of Protection and Financial Remedies for Barlow Robbins. At 3pm Abha Pandya and Scott Storey will first provide a seminar on the...
1 Crown Office Row remains a Tier 1 Set in the Legal 500 2020 - Sep 2019
We are delighted to remain ranked as a 'leading set' or in tier 1 in the latest edition of the Legal 500 with our members highly ranked in Family & Children Law, Crime, Property and Commercial...
1COR Members and Clerk to act in YRes Mock Financial Remedy Arbitration - Feb 2018
Jane Peckham and Anita Mehta will act as counsel in the upcoming YREs Mock Financial Remedy Arbitration with Paul Infield (36 Bedford Row) acting as arbitrator. Jane will represent Stuart Taylor,...
Jane Peckham speaks at Lancing College Preparatory, Worthing - Oct 2017
Jane Peckham was asked to speak about how she became a barrister by Lancing College Preparatory, Worthing. The theme of the assembly was "When I Grow Up" for Years 3 to 8. It was an absolute pleasure...
Seven Members of Chambers address Kent Law Society Family Law Conference - Jun 2017
The conference was held in Chatham on 7th June and was opened by James King-Smith who provided an update on Matrimonial Finance Case Law while Jane Peckham spoke about TOLATA and Schedule 1. Later...
Four members in key case on the independence of Children’s Guardians - Jul 2011
In this important case heard by the President of the Family Division concerning the independence of Guardians appointed to act for children in family cases, no fewer than 4 Members of Chambers were...
Jane Peckham successfully defends County Council against claim for damages by injured teacher - Mar 2010