Chambers Receive Bar Council Wellbeing Certificate of Recognition - May 2024
Adam Smith has been a family law specialist for over 30 years.
He is head of the family team in Brighton, and served as Co-Chair of the Sussex Family Justice Board for nine years between 2013 and 2022, responsible for seeking to improve family Justice both locally and nationally.
Adam has a very high profile in local and national policy making.
Adam specialises in cases that involve complex medical evidence (including child death) allegations of sexual abuse, factitious illness and cases involving conflicting medical evidence. He also has experience in private law cases involving parental alienation, and intractable contact disputes.
View full profile »Adam Smith steps down after serving 9 years as co-chair of the Sussex Family Justice Board - Nov 2022
After nine years of service to the family justice system, Adam Smith has stepped down from his role as co-chair of the Sussex Family Justice Board. He was thanked by the Board and the Senior Judiciary...
COVID-19 Vaccination: Join us for a discussion of the medical and legal issues around vaccination - Mar 2021
Expert speakers Adam Smith and Natasha Isaac will discuss legal and practical issues concerning COVID-19 vaccines and children with clinical input from Dr Jamie Carter, Consultant Community...
Adam Smith and Rachel Gimson provide Family Law training for Clock Project volunteers - Oct 2020
1 Crown Office Row in Brighton remain truly proud partners of Sussex Clock project. This year, Adam Smith and Rachel Gimson provided virtual training in family law for this year’s Clock volunteers. ...
1COR Finalists for Regional Chambers of the Year at the Family Law Awards - Sep 2020
Delighted to be listed as a finalist for the Regional Chambers of the Year at Family Law Awards 2020! Thank you for the nomination and we're keeping fingers crossed for remote ceremony the 25th...
1COR’s Family Law Forum begins by looking at the ‘new normal’ for family law practitioners - May 2020
The Family Team at Crown Office Row propose a series of "Family Forum" meetings providing a rolling program of the latest family law topics taking place every Tuesday afternoon. Join the 1COR Family...
New decade, new win at the Metro Bank Professionals Pool League - Feb 2020
Team 1COR continue their winning streak in 2020 at the Metro Bank Professionals Pool League. Last night Adam Smith, Daniel Miller with clients Thomas Brownrigg (Goodman Ray) and Verity Eunson-Hickey...
1COR nominated for ‘Family Law Chamber of the Year: Regional Award’ at the Family Law Awards - Sep 2019
Delighted to announce that 1COR has been shortlisted for the 'Family Law Chamber of the Year: Regional Award' in the Lexis Nexis Family Law Awards. We are proud of their recognition of our Family Law...
1COR’s annual Ghulam Hussain Volleyball Cup featured in The Argus - Aug 2019
We were delighted to read a feature focusing on our annual Ghulam Hussain Volleyball Cup in The Argus News Section (pg. 17). The tournament is named in memory of fellow barrister Ghulam Hussain and...
1COR proud to present the Brighton Prize for Family Law at Brighton Business School Prizegiving Ceremony - Aug 2019
We are delighted to attend the Brighton Business School prize-giving each year to support the Academic achievements of its students. The event has been running for over 10 years and has developed a...
1COR’s annual Ghulam Hussain Volleyball Cup is here! - Jul 2019
Each year, 1COR raise money for the Rockinghorse Appeal and remember fellow barrister Ghulam Hussain. This hugely popular event is going from strength to strength in its 9th year with 15 teams...
New for 2019: Who is Who in Sussex Family Justice - Apr 2019
Nigel Nash MBE retired at the end of March 2019 and is much missed at Cafcass and more widely for his national work as a Champion of Trans issues in Cafcass and locally as the long-standing Convener...
Chambers sponsors new website for Sussex Family Justice Board - Apr 2019
The Sussex Family Justice Board (FJB) have unveiled a new website signposting local and national family justice resources 1Cor were delighted to be one of...
Nuffield Observatory publish Insight Piece on Quality Circle - Feb 2019
The Nuffield Family Justice Observatory have produced a document about the work of a Quality Circle established in Sussex by Nicola McGeown, the Principal Social Worker of East Sussex and Barrister,...
1COR speakers at the West Sussex Resolution AGM & Family Law Day - Nov 2018
Richard Ager, Adam Smith and Anita Mehta have been invited to speak at the West Sussex Resolution AGM & Family Law Day, along with other notable speakers. Adam Smith: Vulnerable Witnesses - PD...
1COR members demonstrate how Arbitration with Children can work at the Mock Arbitration - Jun 2018
East and West Sussex, Kent and Surrey Dispute Resolution Day is taking place today! This year has a great line up of speakers including Adam Smith, Anita Mehta and Eleanor Battie. 1COR will be giving...
1COR Brighton raising awareness of Mental Health for Mental Health Awareness Week - May 2018
Mental Health affects every industry and is all too easily pushed to the bottom of our priorities. As part of Mental Heath Awareness Week, 1COR are participating in Mental Heath First Aid training to...
Seven Members of Chambers address Kent Law Society Family Law Conference - Jun 2017
The conference was held in Chatham on 7th June and was opened by James King-Smith who provided an update on Matrimonial Finance Case Law while Jane Peckham spoke about TOLATA and Schedule 1. Later...
Brighton Clerks Win Clerking Team of the Year - Nov 2016
The 6th Family Law Awards was held on Wednesday 23 November. The Brighton Clerks were nominated in the Jordan Family Law Awards for the Clerking Team of The Year, and were extremely pleased to win...
Adam Smith and Martin Downs speak at screening of film on Radicalisation - Nov 2016
Adam Smith gave the opening address at a special showing of the documentary, Jihad: A British Story by film maker, Deeyah Khan in the Old Courthouse in Brighton. The event was organised by Rehna...
Crown Office Row Brighton Sponsor Business School Award - Aug 2016
Adam Smith, head of 1COR Brighton’s Family Law practice group, presents Robert Moosai-Maharaj with his prize as the 2016 final year Family Law student who demonstrated strong academic achievement in...
Court service required to fund litigation in family proceedings - Jan 2015
Adam Smith and Richard Ager comment on Re K and H (children: Unrepresented father: Cross-Examination of a Child) 2015 (HHJ Bellamy Sitting as a Deputy High Court Judge). A landmark case supporting the...
Seminar: Nothing else will do – Where are we now with Re B & Re BS? - Dec 2014
Speakers: Andrew Pack (Guest Speaker) who is the award-winning Legal Commentator of the year 2014 and author of "suesspiciousminds" blog will look at the rapidly developing jurisprudence relating...
Family Justice? The Family Justice Review & The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders - Nov 2011
We will be holding a seminar on the 23rd November entitled "Family Justice? The Family Justice Review and The Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill". This seminar will run from 5pm...
Four members in key case on the independence of Children’s Guardians - Jul 2011
In this important case heard by the President of the Family Division concerning the independence of Guardians appointed to act for children in family cases, no fewer than 4 Members of Chambers were...
We are currently recruiting family law practitioners - Dec 2010