The 10th January marks the first game with a 1COR team participating in the monthly Metro Bank Professionals Pool League. James Hart, Michael Walker, David Lewis-Hall, Kate Richmond and Matthew Withers will be playing against a team from Quantuma.

On the 2nd Thursday of the month, 12 teams will play for the chance to donate prize winnings to the charity of their choice at the end of the year. The amount depends on their position in the league and 1COR will be supporting the British Heart Foundation.


Date: 10th Jan

Time: 6pm start

Venue: The Castle Snooker and Sports Bar


Delighted to announce that 1COR won their first match of the league!

DLH MetroBank Pool League 2019David Lewis-Hall potting the winning black ball


Congratulations to James, Michael, David, Kate and Matthew with a game well played again Quantuma. Thank you for a great game, fun night and we are all looking forward to the next one.